Scholarship program

Cập nhật lúc: 09:54 PM ngày 30/10/2016

A Guide to the scholarship Program for ASEAN Countries (1 Semester)

A Guide to the scholarship Program for ASEAN Countries

(1 Semester)

Term of Scholarships :

The home university must permit its its students to participate in an exchange all through the duration of the plogram : 1 Semester but not more than 4 months.

Provisions of the Scholarships :

The scholarships will cover the following :

1. An economy class round-trip ticket to and from designated capital cities or principal cities (excluding domestic atrfarc with both neighboring countries and Thailand.) Travelling expenses incurred other than air tickets will be borne by recipients.

2. Tuition and Fees

3. Stipend and accommodation in the amount of 16,000 bahVmonth.

Eligibility of Applicants :

1. Applicants who is now studying an undergraduate or graduate students/faculty members.

2. Applicants must undertake a study at Chulalongkom University for at least 12 credits for Bachelor's level and at least 9 credits for Master and Doctoral level. The subject of study should correspond to the major or minor subjects of the applicant. For further information of the program can be visit:

Details of all programs:

Details of all international programs:

3. Applicants must have a good command of English.

4. Applicants must be in good health.

5. Applicants must not be recipients of other types of scholarships.

Documents Required for Application :

 1. Completed application fonn with l-inch-colored photo.

 2. A nomination letter from home institute.

3. An official transcript of academic record (to be issued by the institute presently being attended)

4. A copy of passport.

5. Eight l-inch-colored photos (with blue background) take no more than six months in polite attire or a civil servant's uniform, signed on the reverse side, one of which should be attached to the application form.

Application Procedures :

Applicants must send the completed application form and relevant documents direcfly to facuity/program of their clroice. The deadline to accept applications is Decernber I, 2074. For flrtlrer information of the faculty/progam please visit

Application form :

 Application form can be obtained from the website at :

Any further information, please download the full guide to scholarship program below: Click Here

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