Call for Papers - ASEM Education in a digital world: bridging the continents - connecting the people?

Cập nhật lúc: 04:00 CH ngày 06/09/2018

 The German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD) announces a call for papers for the conference ‘ASEM Education in a digital world: bridging the continents - connecting the people?’ in Cologne, Germany, 20th – 21st November 2018.


The Asia Europe Meeting (ASEM) compiles 51 different countries and societies which are all committed to strengthening ties and deepening cooperation between Asia and Europe. The ASEM Education Process constitutes one pillar under this informal intergovernmental forum for dialogue and cooperation. On a regular basis, conferences on specific educational issues are held within the ASEM framework.
During their last conference, ASEM Ministers of Education adopted the Seoul Declaration which has declared people-to-people connectivity as a key element of cooperation for the next decade. In addition, ASEM societies are moving forward as Industry 4.0 implies new chances and challenges for education, skills and employability.

Description of the conference

The conference concentrates on ASEM Education priorities in the digital era. It tackles questions on how ASEM countries can learn from one another and how key instruments can be used for realizing the common vision of tangible and practical cooperation in a digital world.
Therefore, we invite proposals for papers pertaining the following topics:

  1. Boosting exchange: balancing mobility between Asia and Europe through digital formats?
  2. ASEM’s diversity: fostering intercultural connectivity and understanding in a digital way
  3. Educational cooperation through virtual learning and blended formats: how to assure its quality?
  4. Industry 4.0: new challenges for skills and competences of young students and graduates

The selection of papers is based on the relevance to one of the four topics. Furthermore, papers will be selected on their relevance to the ASEM Education Process and their valuable input for policy recommendations. Based on the evaluation of the abstract, DAAD will select 4 to 6 papers.  
Selected candidates receive free accommodation for the duration of the conference and travel subsidies related to the seat of the home institution. Additionally, a 500€ lump sum is awarded for each selected paper. The papers will be presented during a workshop session at the conference and published in a conference publication.
Authors will retain copyright and allow the conference organizers to publish the full paper in the conference publication booklet as well as on the conference webpage. The authors agree to the terms of this Copyright Notice, which will apply to this submission if it is published by DAAD.
We encourage young researchers (PhD students and postdocs) of all academic fields and with an interest in Asian-European cooperation in the field of education to send their abstract (min. 400/max. 800 words) and their CV to Martin Schifferings ( by September 15th, 2018.


  • Deadline abstract: September 15th, 2018
  • Notification of selection: until October 15th, 2018
  • Deadline presentation: November 12th, 2018
  • Date of conference: November 20th – 21st, 2018 (Marriott Hotel Cologne, Germany)



Saskia Weißenbach

Tel.: 0228 - 882 802


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